Sunday, August 11, 2019

Islamic View of Medical Treatment Research Paper

Islamic View of Medical Treatment - Research Paper Example However, a new branch of thinkers interpret the possibilities in the principle and suggest that a temporary abstinence of child bearing chosen with mutual consent is acceptable by way of physical contraception methods which do not affect the structure and function of the body. Ap0artr from the application of medical resources for birth control, there is an equal challenge on the issues related to fertility treatments. Most of the women consider discussing problems related to conceiving a child and giving birth as taboo and ignore the chances of consulting a doctor for treatment of their failure. While on the other hand, pregnancy is the gift of God as per the belief of this religion and it must be treated as virtue of a woman to give effect to the sperm of the male. The Qur’an teaches us to respect the ability of women to bear a child as it says â€Å"If they have a burden (pregnant) then spend on them until they bring forth their burden† (Ch: 65:6, cited in Angelfire.c om, n.d) . Religious views are against the artificial methods of fertilizing as it strongly condemns the factor of the woman’s exposure of her private parts to a person other than her husband. However, the modern society is willing to allow medical treatment for infertility subject to conditions applied as per the guidelines of the derived principles. Euthanasia and Organ Donation As Islam has its own guidelines about handling birth and fertility related affairs, so it has a claim on the debate of euthanasia or the right of a person to choose death with assistance of a physician. On the basis of Islamic views, withdrawal of life supporting apparatuses for granting relief to an individual is not acceptable. Though there were primitive... This essay studies and evaluates some of the religious implications of medical treatment methods practiced by the scientifically inspired new society. As per the religious concept, marriage is meant for the basic purpose of having children as a contribution to the growth of the community. Any attempt to deliberate termination of pregnancy or the practices for attaining sterility endorses the principles of this religion. The fetus has an independent right to live within the mother’s body; therefore an attempt to abort it is an assault as well as a murder. Surgical methods of sterilization such as vasectomy and hysterectomy are not permissible in the religious point of view. As Islam has its own guidelines about handling birth and fertility related affairs, so it has a claim on the debate of euthanasia or the right of a person to choose death with assistance of a physician. On the basis of Islamic views, withdrawal of life supporting apparatuses for granting relief to an individ ual is not acceptable. In conclusion, Islam is a religion with absolute concern for integrity and the value of life. It believes in the principle of power of all knowledge meant for the well being of believers under the guidelines of the Prophet. Therefore the topics discussed in the essay are subject to scientific consultation in the present day community while considering the essential factor that the religion never allowed them for convenience but it approves them for the concept that necessity can sometimes over rule prohibitions.

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